Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

Simple questionnaire for presunivers ;)

Here's the thing.

In my previous post, I did say that I wanted to open my cake shop and if I made it, I might start it first in the dorm area - continuing my cake selling after the entre week. Thus, I wish to know all of your, especially my univ's friends' opinions about that. What do u think? :)

Please kindly drop ur comments and opinions here and also, visit http://jojomul.blogspot.com/2012/07/my-first-3-rascals-d.html too. Thank you. :D

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

Oldies FTW!

In 9gag, I saw a post like this:

Every glorious time

After I read this, I remembered how I used to listen to this song quite often previously. Then I searched the video and watched it. Well, I should agree with this post. Those 2 parts are what make this song very catchy and unique, even though the meaning was not really good. But from this 1 song, I felt like I really missed to listen another oldies songs. Thus, I watched another Queen's "Killer Queen" video, then jumped into The Beatles' "Yesterday" and "Hey Jude" video. Oh my, oldies songs surely are the best. 

Personally, I think almost all of the oldies songs are good and very renowned. When u mention The Beatles, Queen, Guns and Roses, etc or just hum the lyrics of the songs, I am sure most of us still recognize them even though the songs are soooo last year. That is no wonder, since the oldies songs are simple yet meaningful and memorable. Compared to nowadays' songs, I still prefer oldies ones - 70's till 90's much more than them. I mean, some of nowadays' songs are good and easy-listening, but the others... sucks. In my opinion, those "sucks" are more focused on their face, their swag style, but the voice is just so-so and nothing special. Rarely I found nowadays' songs like the oldies one - which is simple, unique, meaningful.

But, whatever. Still, oldies FTW ! :D

Cake testing: Ice Cream Cake

Finally I'm done with my ice cream cake! Yeayyyy~ :D

At first, I just wanted to try making caramel ice cream. It was a success, however the taste was too sweet for my liking - and for my family's as well. Ya, kind like alpenliebe, in my opinion. I thought that maybe all of us wouldn't want to eat that ice cream too much because of sweetness. Then I brainstormed what should I do with that ice cream and I ended up make it into ice cream cake.

In that cake, I wanted some texture and balance. Thus, I made the cake consists of biscuit crust, ice cream, and cake. With the biscuit crust, I imagined that the crunch of it will bring another indulgent. In addition, since the ice cream was too sweet, I added diced fresh strawberry to make it less sweeter and also, for another texture. For the topping, I made a chocolate ganache, but too bad I made wrong measurement with the ingredients that the ganache was too runny after I poured it all over the cake. For another deco, I wrote my soon-to-be cake shop's name "Little Rascal" (hopefully I could make it.. Hehe.. ) with white chocolate, using sauce bottle (with fine tip). However, seemed I didn't melt the white chocolate completely. As the result, there were still some chocolate bits inside the melted chocolate and because of that,when I was decorating the cake, the chocolate sometimes stucked on the tip. :(

Here are the photos:

Soo messy.. Pardon my first time decoration >__<'

Look at the edge. The ice cream melted way too quick !
A slice of the cake. My, just realize that the top cake is very thick. Hehe...

Well, enough for the appearance. Let's talk about the taste. Well, it turned out to be like I want. All the texture and balance were well-presented. The strawberry inside the caramel ice cream had successfully made the ice cream less sweeter as well. Hooray!

The cake testing was good. But, my cake decoration and cake assembly still need more concern, indeed. Hehe..