Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Cook homemade fetuccini - again

When I have nothing to do at home, I usually spend my time to make pastries. Why pastries, simply because that's what I really am passionate with, more than the food like main course or appetizers. In fact, I want to learn cooking food too, but as my mom always cooks at home and her cookings are way moreee delicious than mine, I just rarely had any chance. But today, I had it as my mom wasn't at home - she was in Semarang since yesterday and will be back on Tuesday. 

Today's cooking is homemade fetuccini with curried string beans and egg on top. At first I just wanted to cook stir-fried string beans. But suddenly, I thought about making homemade fetuccini. I guess it was the after effect of watching Masterchef. Several days ago, I re-watch the first season of Masterchef U.S and there was a pressure test to make homemade fetuccini. I then remembered that I had tried making one at home once, but not so good - because I had no idea in using the rolling machine to roll the dough at the first time. So, why not try again? I had learnt much how to use the rolling machine correctly, though. Hehe.. 

I made the dough, rolled it, sliced it, and voila... it turned out very good! Much more better than before. Yeayyy! :D Then I spared some of the string beans for the fetuccini, prepared the curry block that I found in my fridge, and started to cook. First I made stir fried string beans. It was a simple dish, and I bet everyone can do it well. :) After that, I cooked the curry fetuccini with string beans. For finishing touch, I imagined to make a poached egg. In my mind, if I made the perfect poached egg and top it on the fetuccini, when I sliced on it, the yolk would oozed out and that would be great. Unfortunately, as it was my first trial, the yolk was already cooked and there wasn't any oozy effect on my fetuccini. Better luck next time for me >____<

Today's cooking. Too bad the egg on top was overcooked  >__<

The presentation was quite different than my expectation, indeed. Hehehe.. For the taste, it was like Indomie Kari Ayam, but with less broth. In addition, I guess I quite overcooked the fetuccini. And while writing this post, I realized that when I finished boiling the fetuccini, I forgot to put it in the cold water to stop the cooking. :( Overall, I am proud with my cooking today, but still I need to improve my cooking skill, though.

Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Brownies :D

It has been a long time since the last time I ate brownies and most of the time, the brownies that I eat were given from my friends or my relatives who were from Bandung. I actually can make it, but well, my handmade used to be not as good as Bandung's and also, sometimes I was too lazy to make it :P. However, after I watched Eric Lanlard with Baking Mad's season 1 epi 5 - in which he made brownies , I was like 'Woow~'. The brownies that he made was sooo gooey and chocolatey and even though I just watched it, but I can imagine how delicious it is. Then, as my mother also had been craving for brownies since several days ago, I decided to make the brownies based on his recipe, but different method. 

The result is... WOOOWW~!! It is very chocolate, very gooey, very delicious.Oh my, what I have imagined finally came true today. This is the best brownies that I have ever made and tasted. Really big thanks to Mr. Eric Lanlard for the recipe. :D

Here are the pictures:

Still in the pan

Sliced and stacked

For the 2nd picture, well, it's quite messy. But, whatever. The fact is that is still a stack of brownies which is soooo delicious. Hehehe...

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Remembering my childhood

Several days ago, finally I was able to meet my close friend, Inez again after several postponed meetings. It always been postponed as both of us have a very different schedule. When I had my semester breaks, she hadn't had it yet. When I came back to Jakarta in this week, she still stayed at her dorm in Serpong and would be back to Jakarta the following week, while in the following week I stayed at my dorm. Well, what a schedule, eh? But as now both of us are having the same schedule for long semester break, we then decided to meet and we made it. Hehe..

Well, so many things that we shared during our meeting - our univ life, our problems, etc. Until we then discussed about our moment when we were in primary school (we came from the same primary school). It started when I told her how I really wondered how our primary school's friends looks now. Then we tried to recall one by one, followed by stories that happened with them when we were in Primary school. During this conversation, both of us realized how we as little children were really foolish yet funny, and way too overreact upon some simple stuffs. Here are some examples of our foolishness: 
1. When we were in 4th - 6th grade, there were our friends who were already dating. At that time, holding hands and sitting very close were kind like brave moves in dating. Now, what were so brave from those things? LOL 
2. We became enemy because of simple and stupid things. I remember I was also one who did this stupid thing. I once had a best friend, but then she hated me because we fight over... MY LOST NOTES! (in fact, my mom was the one who took that problem seriously and interfered. Well done, mom~ -_____-' )

Not only made us realize how 'funny' we were, we also realized how our friends have changed so much. So far, we saw almost all of our female friends became sooo feminine, fashionable, and mature (but not to me and Inez for the first 2 things) now. Time really passes very quickly, indeed. 

Talking about childhood, for me personally, is really embarassing. At that time, I was a 'cupu, gendut, and agak suka terbully" student and of course, I had done soo much stupid things. However, in fact, I do miss it. I miss my primary school's 'used to be close friends', miss the stupid moments, miss the 'not so important' catfights, etc. On the other hand, that moment also made me learnt so much, and built me to be like who I am now. :)

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

My first 3 rascals :D

Here are the cakes that I wish to sell in the near future.

The most favourite is (Roll the drum, please~ Hehe..) :

Molten Chocolate Cake (Sorry for the poor quality pic)

I sold this cake when I had my entre practices and almost all of the customers love it very much! It's obvious, as when u dig in, the rich and flavourful melted chocolate will oozing out. Such a surprise, eh? ;)

Then, another cakes that are also delicious are: 

Red Velvet Cupcake

Red Velvet Cupcake seems so "in" these days, thus I tried to do some testing and well, it turns out really good :D still, I need to fix the color a little bit.. Hehe.. I assure u that there will be some strawberry hint inside this cake. The frosting : YUMMM! XD

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Not like usual choco chip biscuits, this giant choco chip cookies is crunchy outside, yet soft inside. Of course, u will also find so much chocolate bits inside the cookies. Even though it's big, but it's simply irresistable. :D later on, I might also release the "mini" version. 

I guess those 3 rascals will be released in the beginning of my online cake shop. About the price, will be posted later, after some fixation. Just wait for the surprise yaaa :D

"Little Rascal"

I always dream to own a cake shop and thus, I plan to open it soon, start by online cake shop.

This plan, in fact, had already appeared from quite a long time ago, but somehow I felt not confident with it.I even thought to start having my own cake shop when I already grown up. However, the entrepreneurship practice in last semester made me change my mind - why don't I start earlier if I can? The previous practice had given me much knowledge regarding business and somehow also had helped me to gain my confidence to sell my cakes. Thus, I decide to open my own online cake shop soon. Why soon, because I have to prepare myself first with the trial and error cake testing, the equipment, the package, etc. 

For the name, I choose "Little Rascal". "Little" because the cake that I will sell is kind like individual size, while "Rascal" is for the taste.If it is in Bahasa, it is same like "kecil-kecil cabe rawit". Thus, it means that even though it is only in a small cake, but I assure you all that the taste is sooo delicious.. Yummm :9

Well, as this plan released, I guess I should change my blog name to "Little Rascal" or maybe make another new blog for this. Let's see later.

Hopefully this plan can come true. Maybe I will start by open it in my campus. Just wait for it yaaa.. ;D

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Another brand new beginning...

This is not my first blog, actually.. I did have 2 blogs before, but somehow after having some review, I just realized how "galau" my blog was (u know, teenagers).. Haha.. Thus, I decide to make a new one, which might be far better than before...