Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Cook homemade fetuccini - again

When I have nothing to do at home, I usually spend my time to make pastries. Why pastries, simply because that's what I really am passionate with, more than the food like main course or appetizers. In fact, I want to learn cooking food too, but as my mom always cooks at home and her cookings are way moreee delicious than mine, I just rarely had any chance. But today, I had it as my mom wasn't at home - she was in Semarang since yesterday and will be back on Tuesday. 

Today's cooking is homemade fetuccini with curried string beans and egg on top. At first I just wanted to cook stir-fried string beans. But suddenly, I thought about making homemade fetuccini. I guess it was the after effect of watching Masterchef. Several days ago, I re-watch the first season of Masterchef U.S and there was a pressure test to make homemade fetuccini. I then remembered that I had tried making one at home once, but not so good - because I had no idea in using the rolling machine to roll the dough at the first time. So, why not try again? I had learnt much how to use the rolling machine correctly, though. Hehe.. 

I made the dough, rolled it, sliced it, and voila... it turned out very good! Much more better than before. Yeayyy! :D Then I spared some of the string beans for the fetuccini, prepared the curry block that I found in my fridge, and started to cook. First I made stir fried string beans. It was a simple dish, and I bet everyone can do it well. :) After that, I cooked the curry fetuccini with string beans. For finishing touch, I imagined to make a poached egg. In my mind, if I made the perfect poached egg and top it on the fetuccini, when I sliced on it, the yolk would oozed out and that would be great. Unfortunately, as it was my first trial, the yolk was already cooked and there wasn't any oozy effect on my fetuccini. Better luck next time for me >____<

Today's cooking. Too bad the egg on top was overcooked  >__<

The presentation was quite different than my expectation, indeed. Hehehe.. For the taste, it was like Indomie Kari Ayam, but with less broth. In addition, I guess I quite overcooked the fetuccini. And while writing this post, I realized that when I finished boiling the fetuccini, I forgot to put it in the cold water to stop the cooking. :( Overall, I am proud with my cooking today, but still I need to improve my cooking skill, though.

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