Sabtu, 01 September 2012

Orientation 2012 - A Week of Fun

Heyhoo.. It has been a long time since the last time I posted here due to lack of idea what to post. Hehe.. But now, lemme share my story about Orientation 2012 in the previous week.

Previously in Orientation 2011 I had already been participated as a supervisor (SPV). In 2012's, I joined again... as a SPV again. Haha.. This time, I partnered with Eka, my best mate and supervised a group named "Rachel Khoo". In the first day of Orientation, even though I had been there before, but still I became really clumsy when I first met my kids. All of them were veryyyy quiet. But well, it was the first day, though. Luckily, day by day they started to get along well among each other and started to show their true self - crazy and alay! (LOL) Also, we managed to supervise them well until the end - even tough there were some ups and downs within the group. 

When the orientation came to the end, there were so many feelings mixed in one - happy, relieved, sad, etc. Happy and relieved because finally our duty has done and we can finally take a rest as long as we can (during orientation, all of the committes were lack of sleep). However, sad because  as an SPV, that was the last day I had fun, craziness, and alayness with my kids. Not only me, the other SPVS might feel the same like me. :( But well, even though it had already ended and all of us might be busy with our univ stuffs, doesn't mean that the relationship between me, Eka, and the kids ended just like that. I believe that all of us can keep the compactness and togetherness. :)

There were so many things that I got and learnt during this Orientation as well. I got new friends from both the committees and the kids of batch 2012. I learnt from Eka how to be patient and cold-headed when dealing the problems. From the commites, learnt about discpline and English communication skill. While from the kids, I learnt to be ALAY (I actually don't know whether I should be happy or sad with this.. Hahaha..), to be calmer and don't take assumptions quickly. In addition, I wanted to start being more open about myself to others, as when I gave comments about my kids, I advised them to be more open to others. At the same time, I just realized that I myself still not really open to others. So, seemed like I indirectly learnt about the openess from that. :)

All in all, I really feel grateful that I can be the part of Orientation 2012 as the SPV of group "Rachel Khoo". Even though it was very tiring, but I really had sooooo much fun and lessons. Thank you so much to all of the committes, Eka, and my beloved kids. Love u all <3

Cheers, One Step Ahead! :D

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