Kamis, 08 November 2012

Dare to Move ( >ω< )9

Well, it has been such a long time since the last time I post my blog. Actually, it is because I rarely come back home, while in my dorm, the internet connection is really terrible -_____-' but i just realize that there might be a mobile version of blogger and yeah, I just found it! Haha.. So excited that I can do some posting again. :D

It had already been 2 months since my last posts, and during that time, sooooo many things happened to me. But overal, everything is doin' fine - especially about my planning to open my own mini bakery in dorm. Until now, i still can't believe that i finally can make it happen. At first, i doubted about that due to some reasons :
1. The bug disasters in dorm
2. Afraid that if the security of dorm found out about my activity, they will ask me to stop.
3. Afraid that I can't do it successfuly

Yah, to be honest, I tend to think too much and doubt myself about that. But thanks God, He strengthened me to move forward and just deal with all my doubts. As the result, my small business in dorm runs well until now, my cakes usually sold-out, and orders are keep on coming to me. Oh, how I am really happy and grateful with all of that. :')

I do learnt a lot from this business - creating new cakes, increasing baking techniques, be independent, wiser in managing time, etc; but the important part is : dare to move. I realized that to achieve what we want, we can't just sit down and wait. Instead, we should make a move to make it. In addition, do believe in God because God always be with us. :)

For now, Little Rascal (my bakery's name) has run quite well in the dorm area. Hopefully, if God allows me, this Little Rascal could expand its existence to bigger and bigger markets (amen!). Hehe..

That's all for today. Ciao~ :D

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